इस शाप के बाद जब इन्द्रजीत (रावण-पुत्र मेघनाथ) ने इन्द्र को हराकर रावण को छुडाया था, तब नारद जी ने लक्ष्मी जी से कहा कि अब आपका पृथ्वी पर अवतार लेने का समय आ गया है। तब देवी ने जनक के घर धरती से जन्म लिया था और उनका श्री राम से विवाह का संयोग निश्चित था।
इसी सुंदर अवसर का नीचे तुलसीदास वर्णन करते हैं:
(Listen it at गौरी पूजा १ और गौरी पूजा २)
जानकी जी स्वयम्वर से पहले पूजा करने गौरी मन्दिर जाती हैं और उधर गुरु की पूजा के लिए फूल चुनने राम और लक्ष्मण उसी वाटिका में आते हैं।
लताभवन तें प्रगट भे तेहि अवसर दोउ भाइ।
निकसे जनु जुग बिमल बिधु जलद पतल बिलगाइ॥
From the creeper-covered bower emerged the two brothers at that moment. Verily like a pair of spotless moons tearing through a veil of dark clouds.
Then, the girlfriend of Sita after having seen the two brother in the garden sings to Sita on asking the reason of her cheer...
बाग बिलोकन राज कुंवर दोउ आए।
ऐ सखी उनके अतुल रूप की सोभा कही न जाए॥
Two princes have come to see the garden. Dear girlfriend, such is their measureless beauty,That my words cannot describe their grace.
लता ओट तब सखिन्ह लखाए। स्यामल गौर किसोर सुहाए॥
Then the girlfriend showed Site the princes by the creeper. The youthful brothers, one dark, the other fair, were a delight.
सुमिरि सीय नारद बचन उपजी प्रीति पुनीत।
चकित बिलोकति सकल दिसि जनु सिसु म्रृगी सभीत॥
Remembering the words of Narad, the celestial sage, Sita was filled with innocent, pure love.She cast her anxious eyes all around her, Like a young startled fawn.
देखि रूप लोचन ललचाने। हरषे जनु निज निधि पहिचाने॥
On beholding the beauty of Ram, her enraptured eyes filled with longing. And the delight of one who has found long-lost treasure.
अधिक सनेहँ देह भै भोरी। सरद ससिहि जनु चितव चकोरी॥
Sita was faint with an excess of love. Like the love-athirst chakor gazing at the autumn moon.
लोचन मग रामहि उर आनी। दीन्हे पलक कपाट सयानी॥
Receiving Ram into her heart by the pathway of her eyes, She cleverly closed on him the doorway of her eyelids, as if she saved his image in her eyes.
जय जय गिरिबरराज किसोरी। जय महेस मुख चंद चकोरी॥
जय गजबदन षडानन माता। जगत जननि दामिनि दुति गाता॥
Glory to you, O' Daughter of the Mountain King. Glory to you, for you gaze upon Lord Shiva, as does the love-lorn chakor at the moon.
Glory to you, O' Mother of lord elephant-god Ganesh and six-faced lord Kartikeya. O' Cosmic Mother with lightening-bright presence.
देबि पूजि पद कमल तुम्हारे। सुर नर मुनि सब होंहि सुखारे॥
All who adore your lotus feet, O' Goddess, are blessed with happiness, be they men, gods or sages.
मोर मनोरथ जानहु नीकें। बसहु सदा उर पुर सबही कें॥
कीन्हेउँ प्रगट न कारन तेहीं। अस कहि चरन गहे बैदेही॥
You know the longing in my heart, For you dwell in the hearts of all.For this have I refrained from declaring my love aloud.
बिनय प्रेम बस भई भवानी। खसी माल मूरति मुसुकानी॥
सादर सियँ प्रसादु सिर धरेऊ। बोली गौरि हरषु हियँ भरेऊ॥
Goddess Girija was overcome by Sita's humble devotion. And, a garland slipped from her divine hands, And, the beatific image smiled in benediction.
Reverently did Sita place the divine blessing on her bowed head. And thus spoke the Goddess, her own heart full of joy:
सुनु सिय सत्य असीस हमारी। पूजिहि मन कामाना तुम्हारी॥
नारद बचन सदा सुचि साचा। सो बरु मिलिहि जाहिं मनु राचा॥
"Hear, O' Sita, my infallible blessing. Your heart's desire shall be fulfilled. For sage Narad's words are ever true and pure, Yours shall be the suitor upon whom your heart is set."
दोहा -
मनु जाहिं राचेउ मिलिहि सो बरु सहज सुंदर साँवरो।
करुना निधान सुजान सीलु सनेहु जानत रावरो॥
एहि भाँति गौरि असीस सुनि सिय सहित हियँ हरषीं अली।
तुलसी भवानिहि पूजि पुनि पुनि मुदित मन मंदिर चली॥
He who is engraved in your heart will be your husband। He that is dark-hued and naturally handsome.
The merciful Lord who is omniscient, knows your loving heart, the love enshrined there.
Upon hearing the Goddess utter such gracious blessing, Sita was overcome with joy.
Poet Tulsidas recounts how a devout Sita prayed again and returned to the palace with joy in her heart.
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