More on other herbs later...
The heart has its reasons of which reason knows nothing. - Blaise Pascal
Marichi says to King Ravan in Ramayan:
सुलभः पुरुषः राजन् सततं प्रियवादिनः।
अप्रियस्य तु पथ्यस्य श्रोता वक्ता च दुर्लभः॥
Which means, O' gracious King, you will easily find people who always speak sweetly. But, rare are...the speakers and listeners........of bitter but honest advice that shows the right path.
These words are said many times, such as Maarichi saying it to Ravan and Vidur saying it to Dhritrashtra. Maarichi later transformed into the deceitful golden deer that took Ram away from Panchvati, in Ramayan. Vidur was an advisor to King Dhritrashtra, the father of Kauravas in Mahabharat.
Bertrand Russell:
Three passions have governed my life: The longings for love, the search for knowledge, And unbearable pity for the suffering of [humankind].
Love brings ecstasy and relieves loneliness. In the union of love I have seen In a mystic miniature the prefiguring vision Of the heavens that saints and poets have imagined.
With equal passion I have sought knowledge. I have wished to understand the hearts of [people]. I have wished to know why the stars shine.
Love and knowledge led upwards to the heavens, But always pity brought me back to earth; Cries of pain reverberated in my heart Of children in famine, of victims tortured And of old people left helpless. I long to alleviate the evil, but I cannot, And I too suffer.
This has been my life; I found it worth living.
परिंदों को मंजिलें मिलेंगी यकीनन, यह फैले हुए उनके पर बोलते हैं...
वोह लोग रहते है खामोश अक्सर, ज़माने में जिनके हुनर बोलते हैं ॥
Love...A lot has been written on it...is deeply the essence of life. When understood properly and given unconditionally, love can heal the deepest wounds. There is no other power or material possession in this world that can fill the absence of love. It could be the love between a parent and a kid, a devotee and a god, a husband and a wife, a young and an elder, a student and a teacher and so on. Love begets love. A genuine devotion shows when offered. Omnipresent god can feel it in your heart, so can mortal beings. Love can take many forms and is so pure and simple and ego-free that many would find it hard to understand. They inspect every action, every word of the other to find shortcomings, fear, misbeliefs etc that they waste time and energy to even fathom the virtues of plain simple love. Our great books such as Ramcharitmanas explain love in not so specific words, but in actions.
प्रेम एक वह अमृत है जो जीवन का सार है और जो जीवन को सही दिशा दिखाता है ।
History has many examples...
Tulsidas ji says in Ramcharitmanas about the brotherly love between Ram and Bharat,
अयोध्या काण्ड दोहा २३९ चौपाई ४
कहत सप्रेम नाई महि माथा । भरत प्रनाम करत रघुनाथा ॥
उठे रामु सुनि पेम अधीरा । कहुं पट कहुं निषंग धनु तीरा ॥
जब भाई भरत प्रभु श्रीराम से मिलने के लिए आते हैं और सप्रेम भैया राम को सर नवा कर प्रणाम करते हैं। तो तुलसीदास जी दोनों भाइयों के प्रेम का वर्णन करके कहते हैं...कि दोनों में इतना प्रेम था कि भरत को देखकर राम इतने अधीर हो जाते हैं और मिलने के लिए ऐसे भागते हैं कि पट (कपड़ा) कहीं गिरता है, तरकश कहीं गिरता है और धनुष और तीर कहीं गिरते हैं ।
यही प्रेम सुदामा और कृष्ण भगवान के बीच में दिखता है। वो द्वारपाल के मुख से सुदामा का नाम सुनते ही अपने सिंघासन से दौड़ कर द्वार पर आते हैं और सुदामा को गले से लगा लेते हैं।
More Later......
आपने बहुत से लोगों को देखा होगा, जो देखने में सादगी से भरे हुए पर चेहरे पर चमक और विचारों में ताजगी होती है। इस बारे में गायत्री महाविज्ञान में पंडित श्रीराम शर्मा आचार्य जी कहते हैं... कि साधना करने वाले लोग अपने तप, श्रद्धा और विश्वास से सिद्धि की प्राप्ति कर लेते हैं। हनुमान चालीसा में कहा गया है कि हनुमान जी को अष्ट सिद्धियाँ प्राप्त थीं, जो कठोर साधना के बाद मिलती हैं। गायत्री महाविज्ञान कहता है...जिन लोगों को यह सिद्धि प्राप्त हो जाती है, उनमे यह लक्षण आ जाते हैं:
* शरीर में हल्कापन और मन में उत्साह होता है। उनका व्यक्तित्व आकर्षक, नेत्रों में चमक, वाणी में बल, चेहरे पर प्रतिभा, गंभीरता तथा स्थिरता होती है, जिससे दूसरों पर अच्छा प्रभाव पड़ता है।
* शरीर में से एक विशेष प्रकार की सुगंध और दैवी तेज की उपस्थिति प्रतीत होती है।
* त्वचा पर चिकनाई और कोमलता का अंश बढ़ जाता है।
* तामसिक आहार-विहार से घृणा बढ़ जाती है और सात्विक दिशा में मन लगता है। सुख के समय वैभव में अधिक आनंद न होना और दुःख, कठिनाई और आपत्ति में धैर्य खोकर किम्कर्तव्यविमूढ न होना उनकी विशेषता होती है।
* स्वार्थ का कम और परमार्थ का अधिक ध्यान रहता है।
* नेत्रों से तेज झलकने लगता है। वह अपनी तपस्या, आयु या शक्ति का एक भाग किसी को देकर लाभान्वित कर सकता है। ऐसे व्यक्ति दूसरों पर 'शक्तिपात' कर सकते हैं।
* किसी व्यक्ति या कार्य के विषय में वह जरा भी विचार करता है तो उसके सम्बन्ध में बहुत सी ऐसी बातें स्वयमेव प्रतिभाषित होती हैं जो परीक्षा करने पर ठीक निकलती हैं।
* दूसरों के मन के भाव जान लेने में देर नहीं लगती।
* भविष्य में घटित होने वाली बातों का पूर्वाभास होने लगता है।
* उसके द्वारा दिए हुए शाप या आशीर्वाद सही होने लगते हैं। अपनी गुप्त शक्तियों से वह दूसरों का बहुत लाभ या अंतरात्मा से दुखी होने पर शाप देकर विपत्तियाँ ला सकता है।
पापों का नाश आत्मतेज की प्रचंडता से होता है। यह तेजी जितनी अधिक होती है उतना ही संस्कार का कार्य शीघ्र और अधिक परिमाण में होता है।
सुंदरकाण्ड दोहा १९ चौपाई २
जासु नाम जपि सुनहु भवानी। भव बन्धन काटहिं नर ग्यानी॥
तासु दूत कि बंध तरु आवा। प्रभु कारज लगि कपिहिं बँधावा॥
शिव जी पार्वती जी को यह कथा सुना रहे हैं कि जब अशोक वाटिका में हनुमान जी ने उत्पात मचा दिया था, तब रावन से मेघनाथ को भेजा जिसने ब्रह्मास्त्र चला दिया उन पर । हनुमान जी ने उस अस्त्र की गरिमा के लिए उसको अपने ऊपर स्वीकार किया और मेघनाथ उनको बाँध कर ले गया। तो शिव जी कहते हैं... हे भवानी! सुनो, जिनका नाम जपकर ज्ञानी (विवेकी) मनुष्य संसार (जन्म-मरण) के बंधन को काट डालते हैं, उनका दूत कहीं बंधन में आ सकता है? किंतु प्रभु के कार्य के लिए हनुमानजी ने स्वयं अपने को बंधवा लिया॥
सुंदरकाण्ड दोहा २२ चौपाई ३ (हनुमान जी रावन को समझाते हैं...)
राम बिमुख सम्पति प्रभुताई। जाई रही पाई बिनु पाई॥
सजल मूल जिन्ह सरितन्ह नाहीं। बरषि गएँ पुनि तबहिं सुखाहीं॥
रामविमुख पुरूष की संपत्ति और प्रभुता रही हुई भी चली जाती है और उसका पाना ना पाने के बराबर है। जिन नदियों के मूल में कोई जलस्रोत नहीं है (अर्थात जिन्हें केवल बरसात का आसरा है) वे वर्षा बीत जाने पर फिर तुंरत ही सूख जातीं हैं॥
I have only one counsel for you - be master.
- Napoleon Bonaparte
Whatever happened, happened for good. Whatever is happening, is happening for good. Whatever will happen, will be for good.
"Change is the law of the universe"
What have you lost for which you cry? What did you bring with you, which you have lost? What did you produce, which has destroyed? You did not bring anything when you were born. Whatever you have, you have received from Him. Whatever you will give, you will give to Him. You came empty handed and you will go the same way. Whatever is yours today was somebody else’s yesterday and will be somebody else’s tomorrow.
Servings: 4
Fara Filling:
Urad and Chana daal - 1/2 cup each
Green chillies (Hari Mirch) - 2
Asafoetida (Heeng) - 1 pinch
Cumin (Jeera) - 1-2 teaspoonfuls
Chilli powder (Lal Mirch) - 1 teaspoonful
Garam Masala - 1 teaspoonful
Cooking Oil - 2 teaspoonfuls
Salt to taste
Outer Skin:
Wheat flour - 2 cups
Cooking Steps:
1. Soak Urad and Chana daals for 3-5 hours. Then, grind and mix the two daals making a paste.
2. Mix water and make dough with the wheat flour. Let it sit for half an hour.
3. Heat oil and add Jeera, Heeng, Hari and Lal Mirch, Garam Masala and fry the masala till it becomes light brown. Keep stirring and mix the daal paste and fry it till it dries a little.
4. Now, make (and roll) the flour dough into chapatis and fill the cooked daal paste. Fold this chapati and filling into half circles. Seal the edges of this half circle filled chapati roll with a little bit of water while rolling one edge over the other. This seals the contents and prevents ruptures. Now, the fara is ready to be cooked.
5. Boil the water in a pan and put it on low flame.
6. When these half-circle rolls are sealed, drop them into the boiling water and put the lid on.
7. After the fara cooks, it is taken out of the water and served hot. To eat, pour a little ghee or dip into a ghee bowl before taking a bite. You can also use a chutney, depending on the taste.
That completes the recipe. Now don't forget to serve it with love. Enjoy!!!
कबीरा यह घर प्रेम का, खाला का घर नाहिं ।
सीस उतारे हाथि करि, सो पैसे घर मांहि ।।
kabir says, this is the abode of love and not the house of your aunt. Only one can enter here who has relinquished all pride.
This translation is contributed by Mr. Rajender Krishan (I chose to pick this one and not write one myself, as this one is written very beautifully.)
Kabir in this doha attempts to explain valor and fearlessness in love and devotion. A person who is able to defeat the passions of Anger, Carnality, Attachment, Greed and Enmity – the enemies within – is the valiant one. To be a lover or a true devotee is the job of a warrior and not of a coward. For love demands complete surrender of one's ego and a spirit full of compassion and poise.
The abode of love is not like a visit to an aunt's house where the social rules of entertaining guests may be available. Instead in this abode of love one enters with the spirit of giving or complete surrender.
Is a genuine offering to the Lord possible without surrendering oneself? Similarly, is love possible between two people when it is based on conditions?
Wish you a big leap on this leap year!!!!!
Here is one dedicated to you...
चलती चक्की देख कर, दिया कबीरा रोये ।
दुई पाटन के बीच में, साबुत बचा न कोए ॥
One of Kabir's dohas points to the realities of life on this earth. It says, just like the two stone grinding plates in a hand-operated grinding machine, earth and sky are the two grinding plates for all existing life. And, all life goes through a similar fate as does anything in the grinding machine. Nothing remains intact in between the two.
When people recall someone for their kathor tapasya, Maharishi Dhruv's (ध्रुव) name comes first in the memory. This story was long lost in my mind until tonight when our temple pandit ji told this during the satsang between hanuman chalisa, hanumashtak and arti recitations. The story of Dhruv appears in Bhagavata Purana and Vishnu Purana and it inspires one to overcome the misfortunes, become devoted and thus turn sorrows into eternal joy. In fact, Dhruv name became a synonym of his strong morals and devotion.
Dhruv was a five year old boy and son of King Uttanpad and Suneeti (meaning good morals). Before his birth, the couple were unhappy because she could not conceive and the kingdom needed a heir. So, king married again to Suruchi (meaning good desires). Later, Dhruv was born to Suneeti after the king's second marriage. Among the two wives, the King had a special liking for Suruchi who also gave birth to a son named Uttam. Suruchi was unhappy that her son was younger and secondary to the king's throne in presence of Dhruv. While playing one day, Dhruv saw Uttam sitting on his father's lap and he also wanted to sit on king's lap. When Dhruv went to sit, his step mother Suruchi became angry and lashed out at him saying "you have no right to sit on the throne because you are not my son. You should pray lord Narayan so that you take birth through me to sit on this throne".
Dhruv felt humiliated by her amid father's silence and told her mother Suneeti of the incident. The mother being of high morals consoled Dhruv and said, "My son, don't wish ill for the others. Those who cause sorrow for others, have to face the outcome themselves one day. Your stepmother is right. If you wish to sit on your father’s lap, then start worshipping Vishnu". Upon hearing this, Dhruv set out with firm determination to please lord Vishnu with his tapasya in the forest. On this way, he met Narad muni who asked the little boy to go back.
The deserving do not need to search for a guru. The latter is found at the right time, in the right spot; and a true disciple recognizes him instantly. Narad ji dissuaded Dhruv from undertaking such a difficult task. Narad ji told Dhruv: "You are young, you should be spending your time playing…even great sages have not achieved the Almighty…". But Dhruv was adamant. Narad ji taught Dhruv the technique of prayer and asked him to chant the following mantra: ‘Om Namo Bhagavate Vaasudevaaya’.
Dhruv sat under a Kadamb tree in Madhuban on the banks of river Yamuna and began his recitations taught by Narad ji. During the first month he ate roots and tubers. In the second month he ate dried leaves. During the third month he managed with Yamuna's water. During the fourth month he sustained himself only on the air. Then Dhruv even stopped breathing. Now, standing on one leg only, he was fully concentrating on lord Vishnu. At the moment when Dhruv stopped breathing all the three worlds shook with fear. The demi-Gods ran to Vishnu wailing that the balance of the universe was being disturbed.
Impressed Lord Vishnu arrived in Madhuban to see His beloved devotee Dhruv. As the Lord stood in front of Dhruv, the latter did not open his eyes as he was already seeing the Almighty within his own heart. The Lord made the form that Dhruv was witnessing within himself, disappear! Dhruv became restless and opened his eyes…and Lo and behold, God was standing outside! Dhruv recognized not only the physical aspect of the Lord but also all his hidden attributes of the Almighty! He exclaimed: "You are also within me! You are the one that makes my senses come alive! You are responsible for inspiring my intellect! You have the power of saving man from the cycle of Life and Death! You are capable of fulfilling all desires…and yet men ask of you that which will be the cause of their destruction! One can achieve You only by Your Grace! My desire is that I have the good fortune of listening to the Katha (Devotional narrative) rendered by Your true devotees!" (Note that Dhruv did not express the desire of hearing the Katha from scholars or intellectuals). When the Lord insisted that Dhruv ask for a boon, Dhruv asked for that which the Lord wished to give him. The Lord’s wish was that Dhruv should return to the kingdom. God wanted to establish the fact that God also gives material wealth to his devotees. When Dhruv expressed his fear that he might get ensnared by the grip of the power that material wealth bestows, the Lord promised to protect him always. The Lord knew that Dhruv had started his penance because he had wanted to sit in his father’s lap. Dhruv was transported to the highest point of heaven, where he sits on his Divine father’s lap as the Pole Star,also known as the North Star..The moral of the story is that at one point or another of our life we all encounter situations that are unfair. Instead of focusing on our misfortunes, we should turn to our Divine Father who will give us what we deserve, and turn us into a bright star which will guide misguided spiritual pilgrims to their final divine destination.
Then Dhruv returned to his father's palace. There he was given a grand welcome by everyone, including Suruchi. His father satisfied that Dhruv was in every way capable of running the kingdom crowned Dhruv king and left for the forest in the tradition of Vanaprastha ashram.
The moral of the story is that...at one point or another in our life, we all encounter situations that are unfair. Instead of focusing on our misfortunes, we should turn to our Divine Father who will give us what we deserve, and turn us into a bright star which will guide misguided spiritual pilgrims to their final divine destination.
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